
Books by Author, Charles E. Hayes

BookCover The Longhunter

The Longhunter

Before Buffalo Bill.

Before Kit Carson

Before Davy Crockett.

Before Jim Bridger and before Lewis and Clark, there were the longhunters.

The longhunters were men who traveled beyond the frontiers of colonial Virginia and North Carolina to hunt.

Men like Elisha Walden, Daniel Boone, Kasper Mansker, Michael Stoner, Will Blevins and Donald Warren

ignored the Indian danger and King George’s proclamation of 1763 to seek wealth and explore new land.

These men and others like them opened the way to the settlement of what is now Kentucky and Tennessee.

Follow Donald Warren from his flight from Drumossie Moor pursued by the British army to Pilot knob in what is now Kentucky

This novel is currently available through AMAZON.COM as a Paperback or on Kindle.

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